
When a High School Friend Has Type 1 Diabetes

A high school friend of Michelle's, a millennial diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 17, talks about how she met Michelle prior to the diagnosis, her experience with Michelle after diagnosis, and her advice to others who have friends who are living with type 1 diabetes.

In the video she answers these questions:

1) As a friend, what were some of the changes that you saw in Michelle and that you experienced after she was diagnosed with diabetes?

2) What did you try to do as a friend when it came to how you treated Michelle once she had diabetes?

3) What would you advise other people who have friends with diabetes to do?

4) How would you suggest that friends help their friends with diabetes when it comes to getting ready to go to college?

5) What did you know about diabetes before Michelle's diagnosis?

6) What did her diagnosis teach you and your friends?

7) What helpful information did Michelle tell you and her other friends about her blood sugar?


When a College Friend Has Type 1 Diabetes


Life with Type 1 Diabetes: Michelle's Story