Health Melissa Schenkman Health Melissa Schenkman

Why Women Are Refusing RhoGAM Shots and Why You Shouldn't: Expert Q&A

There is a concerning trend of pregnant women refusing to get the RhoGAM shot. We talked with Katie Shanahan, Director of Development for Allo Hope Foundation and a mother who experienced alloimmunization during her first pregnancy. She explores this issue, sharing critical information about RhoGAM and why this preventive treatment is so important.

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Health Melissa Schenkman Health Melissa Schenkman

Navigating the Athlete’s Journey from Postpartum to Peak Performance

Pre and Postnatal Fitness Coach Erica Friedman of Erica Friedman Wellness delves into how to shift the athlete’s mindset postpartum to achieve fitness successfully and safely, sharing the the top five areas of the body she focuses on with new moms sample early postpartum exercises, and what specialists should be on your postpartum care team.

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Health Melissa Schenkman Health Melissa Schenkman

Perimenopause Age: A Guide for Millennial Women

Primary care physician and women’s health leader Dr. Navya Mysore provides a guide for millennial women to understanding perimenopause, explaining symptoms, hormonal connections, and the role of exercise and other preventive measures in easing into perimenopause and protecting our bone health.

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Health Melissa Schenkman Health Melissa Schenkman

How the Reversal of Roe v. Wade Has Impacted Labor and Delivery Nurses

When Roe vs. Wade overturned, millions of American Women were left with restrictions on abortion and access and uncertainty about women’s healthcare in many other areas associated with reproductive health. High-Risk Labor and Delivery Nurse, Jessica Woon, RN, shares with how she has seen the repeal of Roe v. Wade impact patients, the evidence of how restricting access to abortion negatively effects women’s health, and what she recommends women of child-bearing age should do to be proactive about their health during these uncertain times.

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