Millennial Fitness Goals: The Difference Between Your 20s, 30s and 40s
A personal trainer found distinct differences between the fitness goals and health needs of her millennial clients—those in their 20s versus their 30s versus their 40s.
Virtual Fitness Meets Reality: How COVID-19 Changed the Meaning of Working Out
The pandemic made people realize not only the value of virtual fitness training but also the power of doing low-intensity movement for their overall fitness and mental state.
Tips for Taking Your Pandemic Fitness Habits Back to Your Workplace
Whoever thought a day would come when the ease of movement itself would no longer be easy? Well, when gyms and fitness centers closed across the country for months in 2020 that’s exactly what happened.
4 Ways Millennials Can Keep Their Energy Up When Returning to the Office
The on-the-go life of being a millennial—balancing work, relationships, caregiving, our own time to exercise, and household responsibilities—can be exhausting. No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken this to another level.